"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My Resolutions for 2008

Every year, I come up with a long list of things that I would like to accomplish in the upcoming year... and usually I am able to get a few things done, but always have many left uncompleted...

This year, I decided to make my list and then weed out the ones that were truly low on the list...

Prior to having children, I always listed lose weight, exercise more, and other things that I thought were important... But as I have gotten older (and I'd like to think wiser) I realize that it is all God's plan and he is the captain of the ship and I am just need to trust in him for directions on the path of my life...As a homeschool mom to 2, I think the area I want to work on most (and feel the need to) is to become closer to God and be able to be a leader and teacher of God's word to my children.

I would like to spend more one-on-one time with my children and to have more patience and just remember that they are children and that nothing is perfect nor will ever be and to praise and rejoice over the abilities and blessings they have received. I want to develop an even deeper bond with them and for the love and respect we share to grow even greater than it is now (if that is possible)...

I want to make the right choices for them and to be Christ-led in all of our decisions involving our home, our school, our lives...

and I want to be thankful daily for all the blessings of the coming year... and to not take for granted what God has given me in allowing me to be a mom, the blessing of being home with my children, and a wonderful husband who loves and supports us... and most of all, for the greatest gift, in my salvation....


This verse was included in a bible study I did a couple of years ago..

:"...you do not know what will happen tomorrow... You ought to say, `If the Lord wills..."

(James 4:14-15) It's not wrong to plan ahead and goal set, because these are biblical principals, but it becomes a misdeed when the Lord is not consulted and to make plans apart from the Lord is to presume upon God and assume we know the future...

What is life? You are but a vapor here for a short time and then gone.. and my resolution for 2008 is, "If it's the Lord's will, then it will be done." 


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