"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A great Freebie!!

This is a great freebie - ONLY TODAY!!           

The House You Live In is a great supplement for a study in anatomy /human body fo grades 1-4...

Check it out at Homeschool Freebie of the Day      


As homeschoolers, sometimes we are not able to participate in all the things we would like to...

I was wanting to attend one of the Tea Parties going on around the US today... Unfortunately, I don't have child care and do not wish to take my little ones out, so I am gonna be watching from around the country on the PJ coverage here...

Maybe you will join me!!

Have a great day!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter Lesson...

This year instead of taking a week to study a holiday, we have been taking just a couple of days to reinforce what the kids have already learned...

So here is what we did for Easter...

We of course had our Resurrection Eggs... (here is a website where you can learn more on how to make your own or you can do like I did and just buy a set)  and then we watched the movie "The First Easter" and read several books:

1. The Legend of the Easter Egg

2. The Story of the First East

3. Easter by Aileen Fisher

4. Benjamins Box

and we also read about the "Three Trees" online..

and then to top it all off, the Easter Bunny visited on Sunday morning and filled the kids baskets... and  I celebrated and ate a Cadburry Egg - gotta have one every year..


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday...


We have had a wonderful holiday weekend...DH was up early to go to the Sunrise service... the kids and I slept in and went to church later... We stayed up to watch "The Ten Commandments"  (which is one of my favorite movies)... DD was bothered that there was 2 kisses in the movie - she said "there wasn't any kissin' with Moses in the Bible"... *LOL*

But the kids loved watching it and when the parted seas collapsed on the Egyptians, DS said "that's what they get for not setting the people free"... *L*

Sometimes it's the things kids say that makes everything so memorable...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coloring Eggs..

One Easter tradition that we stick to every year is to color Easter Eggs... This year we only colored 12 eggs, but the kids actually did it on their own with Paul and I watching..

We made our own dyes using food color and vinegar... It was fun and science all wrapped into one...

Food coloring dye

Food coloring
hot water
white vinegar
small bowls or cups
slotted spoon

For each color measure 1/4 tsp. food coloring in small bowl. Add 3/4 cup hot water and 1 tbsp. white vinegar to each color. Add eggs and allow to sit until they are the desired color. Remove with slotted spoon.

Here are some pictures of our fun...


Celebrating Easter with Friends...

Today we went to some great friends of ours and celebrated Easter with lunch and an egg hunt for the kids...

We had so much food and fellowship...it was wonderful...


Each family brought a dozen eggs per child and of course they were filled with candy... the adults had as much fun hiding them as the kids did finding them...

This was wonderful and hopefully a new tradition has been started... Definitely get-togethers like this should be done more often..


Friday, April 10, 2009

Adventures with Dinosaurs..

We have just finished our unit on Dinosaurs... It was a long one, because there are so many wonderful resources out there... The only thing left to do will be a field trip to the "Gray Fossil Museum"  ...

Here are some of the wonderful books and movies that we used for this unit...


Here's some more:



This is one of the fun things we did..The kids got to be "junior palentologist" using these wonderful kits..They get to "excavate" a dinosaur skeleton...Fun but a little on the messy side...*L*


and here is some of the drawings the kids made...

                                           Tommy's Allosaurus

Libby's Apatosaurus

and here are some of our notebook pages...  


Friday, April 3, 2009

Little Hands Art Group - April

Our Little Hands group studied Tessellations this month..

My friend Kim taught the lesson and she did a great job...The artist name was M.C. Esher (you can find out more about him here)...Anyway, a tessellation is a collection of figures or shapes that fill an area with no overlaps and no gaps... it was neat and the art form relates to math and there were so many avenues to research about it as I had never heard of Tessellations before... but after the lesson I came home and found some great ones online... you can find out more about them here...

Here are some examples of the art form: View Image     View Image

and here is how we did it...we just cut a shape from cardstock (or any other firm material) and traced patterns back to back to fill in all the empty space... The kids did a great job with it...

Here are my kidlets work:

Libby's Art  Photobucket

Tommy's Art
