"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Monday, August 20, 2007

Predator and Prey

Today we had a field trip... and went to a Panther Creek State Park. They were having a  wildlife program called Predator and Prey.

There were 8 children and 4 moms which made the perfect size group... Not too big nor too small for activities..

Crystal, the Ranger, started the class by feeling the kids out on what they knew about animals in the area and  quizzed them on some basic terms that related to the class, like "predator" (those animals that hunt), "prey" (those that are hunted), "nocturnal" (sleep during day and hunt at night) and such... Then she went on to talk about different animals in the area and their place on the food chain... They talked about why Panther Creek was named such...(a long time ago, a man shot a "panther" that was roaming in the area and it supposedly fell in the creek)... It was a great class...

Then the children got to play hide and seek in teams... Each pretending to either "predator" or "prey"...Each child had to decide what animal on he/she was going to be, then they would act like that animal and either hunt or hide from those "hunting" them.

They had a great time... Learned some stuff... and then we went to Chik-Filet... *L*

Happy Learning!!

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