"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday....

Today was Black Friday... and yes, my DH and I did our part to help our the economy...*L*

We did find some great buys for Christmas, (I got a $15 waffle maker, WOO-HOO)but more than anything it is an annual time for us to go and just have fun watching the madness of the holiday season... My MIL comes and stays with us for Thanksgiving, so we don't even have to wake the kids as she is there to watch them...

We get to go out, have morning coffee together, do a little shopping, a lot of people watching, and then grab breakfast (this morning we ate at Cracker Barrel, YUMMY!)...

And we enjoy it and look forward to it every year...

Did you find some good buys this year? Let me know what was on your list for today?


  1. Sounds like a great day out! Looks like you got some great deals!

    We watched football-Yes Texas got beat-so mainly I watched dh yell at the tv....But I did manage to get my tree up!


  2. We do black friday every year..I did not know what it was until I met my hubby..My hubby works for the Walmart home office so we get to go to the associate store and the deals were great last yr..but we are away in Texas at his parents house so we just went to Walmart..My kids got a Barbie car and a McQueen from cars ...and one each of the 5 gifts a car set and a barbie for the stockings..So I am proud to say I am done shopping except for a outfit that covers Barbie up a little more..and a ball for my son..I found my Christmas presents that was not given to nieces and nephews last yr so I dug them out and got every one of the a pair of jeans and the boys wind suits..So we gave them there gifts this yr so they are sure to get them..I am very happy to be done now I can relax and do other fun winter things instead of shopping..


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