"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Saturday, November 24, 2007

155,000 Clicks Give-Away Celebration

 Homeschooling Momma of 4 has lots of great things going on at her blog.. So stop by and check it out...

155,000 Clicks Giveaway Celebration!

*This post will remain at the top until the end of the contest.

In honor of her blog receiving over 155,000 page views,   Homeschoolingmommaof4 has decided to give away a $20 giftcard and a $10 giftcard to CurrClick (formerly known as Homeschool EStore).



Good Luck and Have a Great Weekend!!

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