"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Monday, October 29, 2007


Here are a few questions to ponder upon...

  • How come no one ever gets PRE-nasal drip?

  • If you hit someone with a bag of EVEREADY's, would you be charged with assault with "batteries"?

  • If you can buy doughnut holes, how come you can't buy Swiss cheese holes?

  • How come green olives come in jars but black olives come in cans?

And yes, I am the one teaching my children ...*L* 

Have a great week and Happy Learning!!



  1. My younger son would love swiss holes but he would go crazy trying to match them up! LOL!!



  2. LOL!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog Lisa. It's always fun to get to know other homeschoolers-especially Fiar homeschoolers. :-) I look forward to getting to know you and your family better in the future.

    ~Jen Unsell from the fiar board



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