"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Sunday, December 9, 2007

New Contest: The 12 Blogs of Christmas!!

This is a fun contest that I found on a blog by "TnMom with 3 kids" ...

The prize is a $50 gift certificate to the Homeschool EStore

The contest runs from Dec.10th - Dec.21st... and the winner will be announced on Dec. 23rd...

Here are the "getting to know you better" questions with my answers...

  1. How many children do you have / homeschool? 2

  2. How long have you been homeschooling? 3 yrs.

  3. Have they always been homeschooled, or did they ever go to public/private school? only home

  4. Do you plan on homeschooling until graduation? I would love to, but we take it one year at a time

  5. Do you belong to a co-op? yes... CHEF co-op

  6. Do you school all year long, or use some other schedule? we school all year and that way we can take off as neccessary

  7. Do you use textbooks only, or do you like to supplement with other materials? both, we are sorta ecclectic in our methods

  8. Are field trips included in your school plans, or are they just family time? definitely!!! That's the best part about homeschooling... not missing a great opportunity to travel or see something new!!

  9. Do you and your kids do crafty stuff together for school time? Oh yes!! The kids favorite thing to do!!

  10. Would you consider everyday household life stuff ‘home ec’? I consider those life skills!!

  11. Do you have any advice for new homeschoolers? Just be patient, pray, and enjoy the time together!!!

  12. Do you have advice for homeschoolers with little ones under foot? Again the same... Enjoy them, they grow up fast and have fun playing!!! Take time to play!!

Now, head on over to the Homeschoolestore and check out New Learning Publishing, they’re 20% off until Dec 31!



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