"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thankful for.....

A messy kitchen that has produced goodies with love...

 The internet (where I can find all the recipes I would ever want to attempt)

A dishwasher

 An oven that works (when so much of the world still has little modern conveniences)

money to buy groceries to feed my children

hot chocolate (a true pleasure and delight)

 My Children (wearing PJ's and with uncombed hair)

My husband (my companion, my friend, my better half,  the one who keeps me glued)

Gracious and good friends

Things great and small...So much to be thankful for...

1 comment:

  1. CUTE BLOG here!!!!

    {Sarah beth}
    @ http://hislovingpresence.blogspot.com/


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