I have been trying to include "giving" projects throughout the last couple of years in our homeschool and family... I really want my kids to grow up knowing they are a part of a "bigger" whole and that the blessings God has given us should be shared with others. I also want them to know that it is our responcibility as human beings to care about the welfare and health of others.
Now when there seems to be so much destruction due to natural causes and increased poverty and need in our own country and around the world, it is only fitting that we should try and do what we can for who we can...
That's one of the reasons I was so thrilled when I found this opportunity to do something for others... It's inexpensive (which my budgets needs) and it is also a way to help others and be active in giving ~ exactly what I am wanting to instill in my kidlets.
It's called "Heart to Heart Care Kits". It is merely collecting some minor toiletries (the list is included on the site) and packaging them...Every item in the Heart to Heart Care Kit is used to bring comfort, health and peace of mind to those around the world who receive it. The organization relies on volunteers to acquire, prepare and send the kits, which are shipped from their Global Distribution Center in Kansas City. With each kit that is put together they ask that a minimal donation of $1 be sent to help with shipping...
If your interested in doing something that is inexpensive but can help others around the world, you can check this project out HERE.
Thanks Lisa! One of my goals this year is to do more service projects as a family ministry/outreach. This is right up our alley!