This winter the cold weather has really affected my body. I have had increased episodes of pain and immobility. I have noticed an increase in the intensity of the pain and discomfort. This morning I had trouble getting out of bed and even more trouble with dressing. I am sure if someone could have seen me it would have been quite comical. But I thought, why not sit down and write about sentences about how I was feeling as a way to cope this morning, instead of just crying. So here goes my thoughts:
I have Fibromyalgia and Arthritis.
The fibromyalgia diagnosis process can be frustrating. Fibromyalgia can't be easily confirmed or ruled out through a simple laboratory test. Your doctor can't detect it in your blood or see it on an X-ray. Instead, fibromyalgia appears to be linked to changes in the way the brain processes pain signals.
The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines for diagnosing fibromyalgia require widespread pain throughout your body for at least three months. "Widespread" is defined as pain on both sides of your body, as well as above and below your waist.
But fibromyalgia can mimic or even overlap many other conditions. So they testing for other conditions such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rhuematoid arthritis, and sleep apnea. It took a year of testing, doctor's visits, and patience before I was diagnosed. Yet, I have FM friends who have struggled for years before they were diagnosed.
I have severe muscle aches and joint pains a large majority of the time.
My eyesight has been affected with blurriness that comes and goes.
I get discouraged when I miss out on the fun things.
I have a wonderful husband who only wants to make things better.
I have 2 great children who understand that somedays mommy doesn't feel well.
I have 2 great childen who help with the housework and offer to get me things to keep me from having to do it on days when I am sick.
I have periods of depression when I think no one can understand my pain.
I have "fibro-fog" and constantly forget the simplest things to remember.
I can know what I want but have trouble expressing it ~ yet again an effect of the "fibro-fog".
I am active with my children and push myself to do everything possible.
Due to a change and increased sensitivity to smells, I sometimes have trouble cooking my favorite foods.
I exercise and I research my diseases so that I can keep up with what's available out there for relief and treatment.
I sometimes (especially when I have trouble getting out of bed) think that it's all in my head.
I am only 40, yet some days, I move like I am 80.
I take medication that affects my memory, my senses, and my life.
I worry that so little is known ~ about how it starts and why~
I worry that my children will suffer with the same pain, discomfort, and at times immobility.
I get very little sleep as my neurons are always ready to fire.
I have lots of doctors appts., chiropractor visits, and bills.
I know my rhematologists office number as well as my own phone number.
I wish others understood that the pain I feel is different from any other pain I have felt.
My challenges have caused me to have a closer relationship with my great God.
I have Fibromyalgia and Arthritis ~ I am learning every day to live with it and be thankful.
My dear friend, I hate that you have to suffer with this. I wish there was something, anything out there that could take it all away for you, or at the very least and selfish perhaps, something I could do to help. If you can think of anything, all you need to do is say and I'll be on it. Really. =) Love you lots!
ReplyDeleteTracy, I hate to whine ~ but it has been an awful winter... =(