Sailing away to a deserted island... How many times do we as mothers, wifes, teachers, and Christians wish that we could just sail away to an unknown place ~ away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. Where we could find peace, tranquility, and QUIET?
How many times have we overbooked our weeks, planned too many field trips, over-commited to our church activities? All because, not only did we want too ~ but we felt like we SHOULD do it...
I do it all the time and decided this year my resolution would be ~ to slow down our lives and commit to more family time and lead them in the way God has called me too... I have been making progress, but I have also back slid many times. But this morning in my bible study there was a verse that popped out and spoke just to me...
"You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Each man's life is but a breath." Psalm 39:5
And I thought if we're moving through life too quickly, we would do well to slow down and take time for God and to appreciate the blessings before us. I forget that so many times that I think my kids need to do this or be here or I need to help with this or that. And I forget to stop, rest, and take time to give thanks to God for the blessings he has given us ~ not to ask for more but to really appreciate all that we have on this beautiful earth.
I recently read an article from an old issue of a mother's magazine awhile back and it really struck a chord with me , in that it spoke of ministering to our own families.. It talked about how active people are in the church today and that it's wonderful ~ but that alot of families become so absorbed in the church that their personal family becomes lost. I want to minister and be who I need to be for GOD's GLORY ~ but be what he has called me to be first and that is a wife, mother, and teacher. I pray for guidance in this and I know that he will lead me in the way that I need to go. And I know that I am on the other side of the fence in this with most Christians ~ but how can we minister to others when our own families are being lost in the shuffle...
So I am gonna continue weeding out activities and spending more time at home with my blessings and taking more time to be with God in prayer and in thanks for all he has given me.
Life is short and we won't be here forever and yes, we must make the most of it ~ but in that process, take time to remember it too...
I think in the world we live in today that we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget why we're really on this earth. I know I am constantly having to tell myself to slow down and enjoy my family. We are constantly being pulled in so many directions that we forget to stop and just enjoy each other. Thanks for the reminders take time with God and our families!