"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Word for the Year...

Yes, I know what you're thinking ~ it's almost the end of February and I am just now getting to this. Well, it's not that easy.. I know fining a "word" that describes what you want, how you feel, or what you strive to be, may be easy for some ~ but I have a hard time putting all those things into one word. So I have take my time trying to pray and strive for the right one.

I have always had tons of resolutions for every New Year ~ some I was able to achieve and others that were just not possible and really pipe dreams... But I needed to hear God's choice of word's for me...

So for my word ~ I took my time, prayed, thought a lot about it and came to the conlusion that my word is "CONTENT"...

I strive to be content, satisfied in whatever circumstance should come my way, able to be happy with what is in my life... Gratified to have one more day, peace of mind, the ease to experience what is God's plan for my life...

"CONTENT" ~ my word for the year...

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Phillippians 4:11

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely a word hard to understand in our overindulgent "Babylonian" culture.
    Society tells us we should want more, more, more. We should do more, we should go more,
    we should have more, we should strive to be more, we should push our kids to be more, to etc.

    Many times it is linked to "performance". Other times to lusts of the flesh, eye, pride of life.

    It is hard for us to "relax" in this culture, to be still, to be satisfied with what we have, because our needs are met.

    It is something I know even I struggle with at times. (Especially being content in all circumstances.) That isn't easy. I have to admit though, I am much more content today than I have ever been. (So I guess that is some progress.) My word this year is "Attitude" so I
    am hoping God will show me new things and change many of my attitudes that are less than honorable.


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