"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Spending time in Ancient Egypt

This week we continued our studies in Ancient Egypt. I have been using a curriculum from Learning Adventures called “A World of Adventures” and we love it. 

The kids have been working on memorizing Psalm 24 and it is a doozey… Very long, but it seems to be coming along nicely. I have it written on our dry-erase board and then we work on it every day and I erase a word a day as they recite it. That technique seems to be working for the kids.

Today we discussed the spelling rule of  :

“Writing i before e, except after c, or when sounded like as in neighbor and weigh. “

This is the first time we have done spelling together and it seems to be working ok ~ I give  DS some harder words and DD seems to do just fine with the more words like chief and reindeer or deceive. Today they had to copy their 20 words and label them with the rule: “i before e” or “e before i".

Then we read Genesis 39-41 about Joseph being sold to Potiphar and then his life from there until he was released by Pharoah and given his Egyptian name and had children with his Egyptian bride. It was difficult for me to explain adultery involving Potiphar’s wife wanting to be with Joseph . But in the end I think using the concept of dating someone other than your husband worked just fine and got the message across.

We looked at the geography of Egypt and labeled a map from “Uncle Josh’s Outline Map Book” (which has to be one of my favorite resources) taking time to talk about the Mediterranean and Red Seas, Thebes, Karnak, Luxor, Aswan, Giza, and the Valley of the Kings.

The kids enjoyed watching a movie on Netflix from National Geographic called “Egypt Eternal”. We watched one earlier in the week called “Flying Pyramids, Soaring Stones” and one called “Egyptians” that discussed the different Gods like Anubis, Bastet, and Re.

Then to finish off our school day, we hit briefly on biomes with deserts and that they are measured based on arid level and learned some new vocabulary words like flora, fauna, and biota. 


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