"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our first dissection class…

We had a wonderful opportunity to attend a class on dissection recently and it was perfect timing since we are currently in our human body study using “Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology”…
The class was taught by an area public high school AP Biology teacher and was excellent…
DSCF3719                 DSCF3720
She had folders for each child with various handouts from lab safety to voacbulary words involving dissection and body parts.
DSCF3718   an overhead video of the heart muscle pumping blood in and around it’s chambers… Perfect since we are finishing the muscles chapter this week…
The kids were broke up into groups of 2 and they got to share in the dissection process of a fetal    pig…
DSCF3731    A bucket full of piggies…
  DSCF3715  She supplied all the lab trays and instruments for the kids to use…At the beginning of the class, she focused on lab safety and proper procedures for lab activity and dissection.
The proper way to set up a tray and specimen ~ DSCF3726

DSCF3723  Hands on learning…         DSCF3725                          DSCF3724  
 DSCF3727    Concentrating on removing the liver, lungs, intestines, and kidneys in tact…
Tommy was able to view the masseter jaw, and how the esophagus and trachea are 2 separate tubes. He also got to see a fetal malformation where the stomach and liver had fused during development…This was a wonderful class and he learned tons from it.
There’s the possibility of having more advanced science classes being offered in the future on a quarterly cycle and I am really hoping this becomes a reality. It would add so much to our homeschool journey.
Big Thanks to Mrs. Rebecca for teaching it and for do such a wonderful outreach to the homeschool community…

1 comment:

  1. We might be interested in some science classes. Not sure about these dissections though. uggh.
    I remember doing that in High School -gross.

    Peyton got squeamish over analyzing the chicken bone. Not sure how he is going to fare when he kills his first animal.


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