For the week of Thanksgiving, I promised the kids that we would devote our studies to Thanksgiving, Early America, and crafts... they are so excited and so far we have had a great 2 days and still got in some great learning!!
Tonight we made "Marshmallow Turkeys" ...I found the recipe here at the National Geographic website...
They were so easy... and in less than an hour, we had a tray of yummy turkeys!!
Rice Krispy treats mixed up and placed in heaping spoonfuls on wax paper to cool...
Rolling the Rice Krispy mixture into balls (you will need 2 balls for each turkey...1 the size of a golf ball (head) ~ and 1 the size of your fist (body)
After we added candy corn feet, marshmallow and chocolate chip eyes, and spice drop and Twizzler feathers...
Lisa how very cute! Love them!