Yes, I am back to the weekly menus...Not only do I do better with time management, I always know what we are having and I can shop more effeciently and CHEAPER!!!
So, here's our plan for this week.. (I may tweak it a few times, but I am trying to use only things already in the pantry or the freezer this week)
Monday, March 2
Grilled Cheese Snowflakes (using tortillas cut into snowflakes and shredded cheese) apple slices, carrots
Chili (good cold day food)
Tuesday, March 3
Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast,
Peanut butter sandwiches, chips
Stuffed baked potatoes (using left-over chili)
Wednesday, March 4
Monkey Bread
Turkey and cheese roll-ups, applesauce
BLT's, tater wedges, carrots and apple slices(church)
Thursday, March 5
Chocolate Pop Tarts (on the go breakfast)
Lunchables for the kids, peanut butter and crackers for me (CO-OP day)
Beef Stew (slow cooker meal)
Friday, March 6
Homemade waffles with fruit
snack plate (cheese, apples, banana slices, crackers, ham and turkey)
Hamburgers, homemade onion rings, corn on the cob
Saturday, March 7
I work today so the DH is taking over!!
Sunday, March 8
another day at work for me.. DH has it covered... =)
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