Download N' Go is offering a chance to win a US/World Political Map Bundles from National Geographic... There are 5 different opportunities to enter for your chance to win...
You can find your chance to win here...
After entering, be sure to follow the Download N Go blog with Google Friend Connect so you wont miss the big announcement. This contest will end at 11:59 p.m. EST on Saturday, September 4, 2010. Three winners will be chosen by random drawing on September 9, 2010, at 12:00 noon EST...
Good Luck!!
"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain
"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11
"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Zoo Tuesday...

"OUR SCIENCE CLASS IS A ZOO"... that's the theme for the weekly science class we have been taking for the last several years at our local zoo...
This week our lesson was on "EARTHQUAKES" . Jason, the science class teacher, did something different this week... He prepared worksheets and an outline so that the parents could follow along and review things at a later date, but the worksheet also allowed the kids to "take notes" in a way ~ meaning they had to pay closer attention... Wonderful idea!!!
Today we covered:
- the 3 parts of the earth
- plates
- faults, types of fault lines
- convection
- why the earth shakes
- hypocenters and epicenters
- fore, main, and after shocks
- seismographs
- and the big one in San Francisco in 1906...
We watched a couple of experiments using water and r/t plates and faults~ then Jason did a cool experiment using jello and sugar cubes... The sugar cubes simulating a building and the jello the plates under pressure and seismic activity... The kids loved it!!
He also brought in a "RAT" for the kids to touch and explained that people talked about how the rats had ran in circles before the big earthquake of San Francisco in 1906...then showed the kids this picture of the destruction that was left in the wake...
then we went out to see the elephants where the kids learned that not only did they have an incredible sense of hearing, but (based on 9 different accounts) that when the Tsunami hit Thailand that the elephants ran for high ground prior to the waves hitting shore. Even elephants that were actually chained for working purposes, broke their chains to head for higher ground... You can read more about the amazing animals sensing the waves crashing into the Indian coast here...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Winner of the DNG "Roller Coaster" unit giveaway is...
"Sack Family Adventures" !!!!
Congratulations!! You should be receiving your unit by e-mail shortly!!
Congratulations!! You should be receiving your unit by e-mail shortly!!
Spiders, spiders, everywhere...
Lately we have taken some short family trips and it seems that we have ran up on a "wolf" spider on each trip...
Here's some pictures of these creepy critters that have been following us on our journeys...
at the Greenbrier Schoolhouse
at Rose Hill Plantation
a "SPIDER" plant.... Biltmore
*LOL* Funny don't you think???
Here's some pictures of these creepy critters that have been following us on our journeys...
*LOL* Funny don't you think???
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Learning Sign Language...
Today we started something new in our curriculum... SIGN LANGUAGE
The last couple of years, DD has taken a "performance" sign language class at our HS co-op... she learned sign to a couple of songs each semester and then would perform them with her group of friends in a recital at the end of each semester... She really developed a love for sign.. So when our local library offered signing classes this summer, we signed up... They used the "Signing Time" videos, which though made for younger kids, are wonderful...the only downfall to the class was it was only 1~2 times a month and for less than an hour...
Now we happen to have been blessed by a wonderful young lady who taught sign at the co-op because she is offering a weekly FREE sign class at her dance studio... of course, I signed both kidlets up to take the class... but I worried about what to do in the time between classes when they would come home and I wasn't able to help them... I looked into buying "Signing Time" videos and the cost was just way to much for our budget...
But, I have found the cure to our problem... and it's called "American Sign Language for Kids" from Learning Tree... These are videos that teach kids (my kids age) ASL in a way that is enjoyable and fun... They loved it!! Not only are they affordable, but the DVD is easy to follow, with lots of repetition for practice, social tips, and mini quizzes... they were a captive audience and loved it...
I am very pleased!! If you'd like to check it out before buying, you can rent it here on YouTube for $3.99...
Happy Learning!!!
The last couple of years, DD has taken a "performance" sign language class at our HS co-op... she learned sign to a couple of songs each semester and then would perform them with her group of friends in a recital at the end of each semester... She really developed a love for sign.. So when our local library offered signing classes this summer, we signed up... They used the "Signing Time" videos, which though made for younger kids, are wonderful...the only downfall to the class was it was only 1~2 times a month and for less than an hour...
Now we happen to have been blessed by a wonderful young lady who taught sign at the co-op because she is offering a weekly FREE sign class at her dance studio... of course, I signed both kidlets up to take the class... but I worried about what to do in the time between classes when they would come home and I wasn't able to help them... I looked into buying "Signing Time" videos and the cost was just way to much for our budget...
But, I have found the cure to our problem... and it's called "American Sign Language for Kids" from Learning Tree... These are videos that teach kids (my kids age) ASL in a way that is enjoyable and fun... They loved it!! Not only are they affordable, but the DVD is easy to follow, with lots of repetition for practice, social tips, and mini quizzes... they were a captive audience and loved it...
I am very pleased!! If you'd like to check it out before buying, you can rent it here on YouTube for $3.99...
Happy Learning!!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Free Internet Resources...
I love FREE things... and FREE homeschool stuff is even better!!!
There are so many sites that you could literally create a whole years curriculum and only spend the cost of the monthly internet charge, paper, and ink for the printer...
So here's some of my favorites...
Dynamic 2 Moms this is an incredible site with lapbook, notebook, and unit study resources for history and science...The pieces can be downloaded and printed seperately so you can print only what you will use...They even include background info which makes it easy to teach the material...I love the fact that they are willing to share all their hard work with everyone in the homeschool community!!! 2 wonderful ladies!!
Homeschoolshare is an on-line cooperative effort of several homeschooling moms to provide free but quality literature-based unit studies and resources. You can find all sorts of unit studies, lapbooks, notebook and stuff in between for every subject, theme, or idea you have. And the cross book lists that coordinate with other curriculums like Sonlight, FIAR , and Usborne are fantastic!! Definitely a 2 thumbs up for this site!!! (p.s. I use it literally every week or so)
Guest Hollow is another one of my favorites... You can find a complete 2 yr. American History curriculum, a science curriculum focusing on the human body (different levels for preschoolers through 6th grade), and a Ancient World History program. They also have some great printables, information, articles and resources for a variety of homeschooling subjects like math, language arts, and science.
Lesson Planet is a search engine that makes it easy for teachers to search over 200,000 teacher-reviewed online lesson plans and 150,000 online worksheets.
The Homeschool Mom is a site that offers a wonderful place to get tons unit studies and homeschool lesson plans for everything you could think of. It's home to thousands of quality resources where you can also find planner sheets, forms, menus, articles, websites, and more.
The Homeschool Channel is a website that offers videos, articles, interviews with leading authorities in homeschool styles, homeschool speakers, and some great FREE programming that can be used by itself as a class. My kidlets and I have enjoyed some great shows and learned tons by just clicking on the link. Shows like "Drive Thru History", "Creatures that Defy Evolution" , "The Constitution", "Answers in Genesis", and the "American Heritage Series"...
American Heritage is a site where you can order a CD for FREE that contains a full history curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Math Mammoth is a curriculum that you pay for, but you can sign up for the FREE package of 300 worksheets and sample pages;
Spelling City is the ultimate online spelling program... you can use lists that have been pre-made by others, or make up games using your own lists... You can use it as your spelling program or as a go-along for the program you are already using and the best part is: it's FREE!!!
Then finally there is the SCOTT FORESMAN Online Grammar program for grades you can find your complete grammar curriculum for FREE and can print off worksheets if needed or just do the work on paper from the screen... the choice is yours...
Well, I hope these links are going to be as helpful to you as they have been to me the last several years... With the economy in such a slug, it makes it even harder on the homeschool family...
Happy Learning!!
There are so many sites that you could literally create a whole years curriculum and only spend the cost of the monthly internet charge, paper, and ink for the printer...
So here's some of my favorites...
The Homeschool Mom is a site that offers a wonderful place to get tons unit studies and homeschool lesson plans for everything you could think of. It's home to thousands of quality resources where you can also find planner sheets, forms, menus, articles, websites, and more.
The Homeschool Channel is a website that offers videos, articles, interviews with leading authorities in homeschool styles, homeschool speakers, and some great FREE programming that can be used by itself as a class. My kidlets and I have enjoyed some great shows and learned tons by just clicking on the link. Shows like "Drive Thru History", "Creatures that Defy Evolution" , "The Constitution", "Answers in Genesis", and the "American Heritage Series"...
American Heritage is a site where you can order a CD for FREE that contains a full history curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Math Mammoth is a curriculum that you pay for, but you can sign up for the FREE package of 300 worksheets and sample pages;
Spelling City is the ultimate online spelling program... you can use lists that have been pre-made by others, or make up games using your own lists... You can use it as your spelling program or as a go-along for the program you are already using and the best part is: it's FREE!!!
Then finally there is the SCOTT FORESMAN Online Grammar program for grades you can find your complete grammar curriculum for FREE and can print off worksheets if needed or just do the work on paper from the screen... the choice is yours...
Well, I hope these links are going to be as helpful to you as they have been to me the last several years... With the economy in such a slug, it makes it even harder on the homeschool family...
Happy Learning!!
Expedition : Africa
I was really excited to have the opportunity to review Expedition : Africa for TOS. Ive been a fan of unit studies since we started our homeschool journey 6 yrs. ago because it is a great way to cover the same topic and information but with kids of all ages and adults too (I always learn something new with every study)

Africa is such a magnificent continent and so much to learn that it can be somewhat overwhelming to a homeschool mom when trying to plan out a unit study and lesson plan as you wonder about what and how much to cover. That is one of the great teacher aspects of Amanda Bennetts Download N GO products. We have had the opportunity in the past to use a couple of these units and I have been thoroughly pleased with each one. So I was really happy to be able to help kickstart our new year with one of these great units.
Each Download NGO unit is a week long study and incorporates all the various aspects of traditional unit studies including vocabulary, science, history, geography and much more. With Expedition: Africa, the daily objectives were:
Day 1: Where on Earth is Africa?
Day 2: Some of the special places in Africa?
Day 3: A bit of history
Day 4: Cool things to know about Africa
Day 5: Fun and games in Africa
These units are by no means quickie or skimpy even though they are made to be completed within a week. They are written in a relaxed style and easily adapted to your families personal learning styles.
The book suggestion lists are great with 8-10 books listed for use for each day. Of course it is up to you how many books you use and what to cover from each one. And in no way do you have to use all of these books as they are just suggested reading. I had no trouble locating most of these books through my library search engine. The books are of various reading levels so that they can be used easily from grades K 4th and beyond as this unit is used with a second grader and a 5th grader. If you can not find the books mentioned, book substitutions are easily used and plugged in. Honestly you could actually do this unit without any books at all and your students will come away having learned tons about Africa, but the books really enrich and add the living aspect to the unit.
Links and videos are also included in the unit and this is an aspect that I really like since both of my kids are audio-visual learners. But there are so many ways that these units could be used by families with learners of all types.
And if your a lapbooker or notebooker , the minibooks and printables are perfect for you. The only drawback to this for me is the cost involved in printing. And I found that what works best for us, is using the unit as it is on our computer and only printing the components that will actually work for us and I print most of them in black and white and the kids color them (which is fun for them as well as saving me some money).
The activities really help the learning stick through fun and creative play. The arts are covered as the music of Africa is brought in. Spelling/vocabulary needs (one area where I have a hard time covering when trying to create my own lesson plans) are met as Mrs. Amanda gives you the words and fun lapbook minibooks to use to incorporate them in your kids work
I personally like that missionaries are covered as it helps span even more of the curriculum bridges by including bible. Learning about the weather, animals, and terrain of Africa alone will be enough to have your kids asking for more.
And my FAVORITE section of the DNG Expedition : Africa unit, and that would be the FUN FAMILY IDEAS. These are great fieldtrips, things to do at home, great recipes and just all-around wonderful ideas for making the learning come alive and help make my goal of creating life-long learners a reality Using these units can really make your homeschool fun!!
And at only $7.95 each and easily available for download from TOS they are a bargain in helping the homeschool family to find fun and education in the same study.
Africa is such a magnificent continent and so much to learn that it can be somewhat overwhelming to a homeschool mom when trying to plan out a unit study and lesson plan as you wonder about what and how much to cover. That is one of the great teacher aspects of Amanda Bennetts Download N GO products. We have had the opportunity in the past to use a couple of these units and I have been thoroughly pleased with each one. So I was really happy to be able to help kickstart our new year with one of these great units.
Each Download NGO unit is a week long study and incorporates all the various aspects of traditional unit studies including vocabulary, science, history, geography and much more. With Expedition: Africa, the daily objectives were:
Day 1: Where on Earth is Africa?
Day 2: Some of the special places in Africa?
Day 3: A bit of history
Day 4: Cool things to know about Africa
Day 5: Fun and games in Africa
These units are by no means quickie or skimpy even though they are made to be completed within a week. They are written in a relaxed style and easily adapted to your families personal learning styles.
The book suggestion lists are great with 8-10 books listed for use for each day. Of course it is up to you how many books you use and what to cover from each one. And in no way do you have to use all of these books as they are just suggested reading. I had no trouble locating most of these books through my library search engine. The books are of various reading levels so that they can be used easily from grades K 4th and beyond as this unit is used with a second grader and a 5th grader. If you can not find the books mentioned, book substitutions are easily used and plugged in. Honestly you could actually do this unit without any books at all and your students will come away having learned tons about Africa, but the books really enrich and add the living aspect to the unit.
Links and videos are also included in the unit and this is an aspect that I really like since both of my kids are audio-visual learners. But there are so many ways that these units could be used by families with learners of all types.
And if your a lapbooker or notebooker , the minibooks and printables are perfect for you. The only drawback to this for me is the cost involved in printing. And I found that what works best for us, is using the unit as it is on our computer and only printing the components that will actually work for us and I print most of them in black and white and the kids color them (which is fun for them as well as saving me some money).
The activities really help the learning stick through fun and creative play. The arts are covered as the music of Africa is brought in. Spelling/vocabulary needs (one area where I have a hard time covering when trying to create my own lesson plans) are met as Mrs. Amanda gives you the words and fun lapbook minibooks to use to incorporate them in your kids work
I personally like that missionaries are covered as it helps span even more of the curriculum bridges by including bible. Learning about the weather, animals, and terrain of Africa alone will be enough to have your kids asking for more.
And my FAVORITE section of the DNG Expedition : Africa unit, and that would be the FUN FAMILY IDEAS. These are great fieldtrips, things to do at home, great recipes and just all-around wonderful ideas for making the learning come alive and help make my goal of creating life-long learners a reality Using these units can really make your homeschool fun!!
And at only $7.95 each and easily available for download from TOS they are a bargain in helping the homeschool family to find fun and education in the same study.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Asheville Weekend Adventure... (Part 2 ~ Saturday)
This morning we started out by sleeping in... or should I say that I slept in and DH and the kids went and putted a few on the greens next to the hotel.. I really enjoyed the good sleep, I must have needed it!! *LOL*
Then we headed out on our journey for the day, stopping to have breakfast at a neat restaurant downtown called "Tupelo Honey" , where I feasted on homemade biscuits, milk gravy and country ham while DH had "Eggs Betty" (their version of Eggs Benedict)...while waiting on our table we walked across the street to a little street fair where the kidlets each managed to wrangle a cool and funky "spoon" necklace out of their dad...

This is a picture of what they look like... however my kidlets got spoons with "crop circle" patterns on them... I found out though how to make them, since I thought they would be a neat Christmas gift idea... You can check that out here...
After which we headed out and wound up at the Western North Carolina Nature Center ... This is a is a living museum of plants and animals native to the southern Appalachian region and one of only 32 facilities in the nation to be participating in the "Red Wolf Reintroduction Program"... and the good news for us was that they are members of the zoo reciprocal program, so we were able to get in for free using our local zoo passes.
Right now, they have the "Beauty of Butterflies" exhibit where you can walk through a butterfly house full of flowers... Your hands are sprayed with "sugar water" and the butterflies LLLOOOOOOVVVEE it, landing all over the kids...
Then we visited the "Colburn Earth Science Museum" where the kidlets completed a hands-on learning scavenger hunt and were given their choice of a small "gem" to take home with them... Now we need to go home and do a "RockHound" unit while their interest is peaked..
We finished the night off with dinner at a great Italian restaurant, walking around downtown and looking at all the cool shops, the kids drinking their first "COKES" from a bottle and DS coming away with some neat "Tiger Eye" marbles...
We're so excited!!!
Happy Travels!!
Then we headed out on our journey for the day, stopping to have breakfast at a neat restaurant downtown called "Tupelo Honey" , where I feasted on homemade biscuits, milk gravy and country ham while DH had "Eggs Betty" (their version of Eggs Benedict)...while waiting on our table we walked across the street to a little street fair where the kidlets each managed to wrangle a cool and funky "spoon" necklace out of their dad...
This is a picture of what they look like... however my kidlets got spoons with "crop circle" patterns on them... I found out though how to make them, since I thought they would be a neat Christmas gift idea... You can check that out here...
After which we headed out and wound up at the Western North Carolina Nature Center ... This is a is a living museum of plants and animals native to the southern Appalachian region and one of only 32 facilities in the nation to be participating in the "Red Wolf Reintroduction Program"... and the good news for us was that they are members of the zoo reciprocal program, so we were able to get in for free using our local zoo passes.
Right now, they have the "Beauty of Butterflies" exhibit where you can walk through a butterfly house full of flowers... Your hands are sprayed with "sugar water" and the butterflies LLLOOOOOOVVVEE it, landing all over the kids...
Then we visited the "Colburn Earth Science Museum" where the kidlets completed a hands-on learning scavenger hunt and were given their choice of a small "gem" to take home with them... Now we need to go home and do a "RockHound" unit while their interest is peaked..
We finished the night off with dinner at a great Italian restaurant, walking around downtown and looking at all the cool shops, the kids drinking their first "COKES" from a bottle and DS coming away with some neat "Tiger Eye" marbles...
Happy Travels!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
My homeschooling goals for this year...
Homeschooling where my children are enjoying the subject ~ laughing and learning at the same time...
Homeschooling where no complaints or "I don't want to" can't be heard...
Homeschooling so that we have time to explore all the rabbit trails that come up...
Homeschooling so that when the school day is done, my kidlets learn from their free play and want too...
These are my goals for this year and for every year after... To make a love of life-long learning!!
Happy Learning!!
Homeschooling where no complaints or "I don't want to" can't be heard...
Homeschooling so that we have time to explore all the rabbit trails that come up...
Homeschooling so that when the school day is done, my kidlets learn from their free play and want too...
These are my goals for this year and for every year after... To make a love of life-long learning!!
Happy Learning!!
You might be a homeschooler if..... have administered a spelling test from the bathroom have 2 maps hanging in your living room and a white board hanging in your dining room have to explain to the park ranger that your children are not skipping school but are working on a hands-on nature study actually LIKE your own children and couldn't imagine any other way of life than being able to spend as much time as possible with them and consider that a joy
...your bookcases look like the reference section of the library load your dishwasher in between teaching fractions and geometry
August Homeschool Class at the Zoo...
Today was our first HS science class at the zoo for the 2010-2011 school year... It was fun...
We have a new teacher named "Jason"... Our previous teacher Chad, left to go and start a HS program at a zoo in Ohio.. Jason did a great job, but he looks os young...not much older than the kids he's teaching, even though he says he's 23.. *L*
Today's lesson was on "GEOLOGY"... the kids learned about the 3 types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary...
They got to look at some great pictures of floating pumice from volcano,

and a great shot of some sedimentary rock from Antelope Canyon in Arizona...

then they got to look at several types of rock under a microscope...

They touched petrified wood and looked at a spearhead made from granite... then they finished off the class with a trip outside to look at some man-made rock and compare it and getting to pet a chinchilla...

A pretty good first day of class!!!
Happy Learning!!
We have a new teacher named "Jason"... Our previous teacher Chad, left to go and start a HS program at a zoo in Ohio.. Jason did a great job, but he looks os young...not much older than the kids he's teaching, even though he says he's 23.. *L*
Today's lesson was on "GEOLOGY"... the kids learned about the 3 types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary...
They got to look at some great pictures of floating pumice from volcano,
and a great shot of some sedimentary rock from Antelope Canyon in Arizona...
then they got to look at several types of rock under a microscope...
They touched petrified wood and looked at a spearhead made from granite... then they finished off the class with a trip outside to look at some man-made rock and compare it and getting to pet a chinchilla...
A pretty good first day of class!!!
Happy Learning!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
I have been authorized to give away a copy of the "Download N' GO" ROLLER COASTER unit study... Just click on this link, read the review and be sure to leave me a comment... Be sure to leave me a way to contact you... I'm going to put all the names in a bowl and let me kidlets pull out the winner...
21. Being able to take weekend trips
22. enjoying the sunshine
23. watching "Let's Make a Deal" with the kidlets (their favorite show)
24. chocolate
25. great Italian food
26. watching my DD dance in her room
27. time to spend doing nothing
28. my friends
29. the opportunity to make new friends
30. Clorox ~ makes my life so much easier
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Freebie ~ while it lasts...
Fortunately For You Books is offering a "Pockets of Time" workset for Magic Tree House Book #28 "HIGH TIDE IN HAWAII"... These are great, especially for those of us who like to lapbook or notebook... They really get the kids involved and promote learning by allowing your hands-on learners a way to show their comprehension skills by cutting, sorting, reasoning, and sequencing...
This is the monthly freebie for August and you can check it out here....
This is the monthly freebie for August and you can check it out here....
Friday, August 13, 2010
Weekend Adventure in Asheville, NC... (Part 1~ Friday)
This weekend we took off to Asheville, NC, as a little celebration for starting our first week of the new school year and because we just like to take lil' weekend trips close to home... So, we took off Friday afternoon for ~ 2 hr. drive through the mountains in the rain... Checked in to our room, and sat and watched it rain for about another 40 minutes then the power went out and we decided to head out and check out the town...
Our first stop was for some dinner... We ate at a restaurant called the "Fiddlin' Pig'... Yep, it was BBQ and delicious!! They have a live Bluegrass show and clogging... We got a front row table and enjoyed our meal and the music... DD even got to participate and square dance with the cloggers and other diners which was right down her alley... and now even DS said he thinks it would be fun to learn to clog after watching men of all ages dancing..
[caption id="attachment_772297" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="The bluegrass band at the "Fiddlin' Pig""]
[caption id="attachment_772295" align="alignright" width="225" caption="DD square dancing and having a blast!! "]

After we ate, we drove out to the Grove Park Inn... It is a historical hotel that has had quite a reputation as being one of the world's finest since opening in the early 1900's... Presidents (President Obama recently stayed there and played a round of golf), dignitaries, and others have stayed there... We went inside and took a look at it... The architecture of the building itself with it's rock fasade and the gingerbread roof line (DD described it as a "fairy tale" hotel) is absolutely beautiful... They have on display the original china pattern that was used, as well as, a room bill dating back to 1914 for 7 nights that totaled $287.00, which was an incredible amount of money at that time...
Down several of the corridors are pictures of several celebrities that have stayed there... DS was thrilled to see pictures of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison there... I was thrilled to see a picture of Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind) and Sandra Day O'Connor (one of my idols)... Our little impromptu tour provided a little piece of history for FREE...
Our first stop was for some dinner... We ate at a restaurant called the "Fiddlin' Pig'... Yep, it was BBQ and delicious!! They have a live Bluegrass show and clogging... We got a front row table and enjoyed our meal and the music... DD even got to participate and square dance with the cloggers and other diners which was right down her alley... and now even DS said he thinks it would be fun to learn to clog after watching men of all ages dancing..
[caption id="attachment_772297" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="The bluegrass band at the "Fiddlin' Pig""]
[caption id="attachment_772295" align="alignright" width="225" caption="DD square dancing and having a blast!! "]
After we ate, we drove out to the Grove Park Inn... It is a historical hotel that has had quite a reputation as being one of the world's finest since opening in the early 1900's... Presidents (President Obama recently stayed there and played a round of golf), dignitaries, and others have stayed there... We went inside and took a look at it... The architecture of the building itself with it's rock fasade and the gingerbread roof line (DD described it as a "fairy tale" hotel) is absolutely beautiful... They have on display the original china pattern that was used, as well as, a room bill dating back to 1914 for 7 nights that totaled $287.00, which was an incredible amount of money at that time...
Down several of the corridors are pictures of several celebrities that have stayed there... DS was thrilled to see pictures of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison there... I was thrilled to see a picture of Margaret Mitchell (Gone with the Wind) and Sandra Day O'Connor (one of my idols)... Our little impromptu tour provided a little piece of history for FREE...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Fun with Roller Coasters... Our Download N'Go Review
This week, we have spent our time learning about ROLLER COASTERS with help from Download N Go unit studies, a product from Amanda Bennett. This was not our first time using a Download N Go product, but I cant say enough about them. We LOVE them!!
First , I must say the Download N Go studies are an easy to use product with lots of information that is prepared so that it is easily researched by the child. I spent about an hour one evening looking over it (my personal preference, so I can hold books online) prior to the actual start of the unit and thats it, so easy to use that you can actually just open up the laptop and go
In the plan, you get a 5 DAY study of a particular subject with daily objectives included. The objectives of ROLLERCOASTERS being:
Day 1: What is a Roller Coaster
Day 2: The History of Roller Coasters
Day 3: People and Places of Roller Coasters
Day 4: Science and Secrets of Roller Coasters and Rides
Day 5: Goodies and Gadgets of Roller Coasters
The lesson plan is complete. All the activities, go-alongs, and projects are there, done for you.
Each day is then broken down even further with added topics and information being compounded on each day. A book list is also given for EACH day with books that can be found at your local library. With this unit on ROLLER COASTERS, I had trouble locating some of the books that were recommended for use on particular days. However, I was able to obtain enough of them and some others using the search engine at my library. But in the unit itself there are enough links to great information that even without the recommended reading, there was more than enough information to complete this unit. One book that I got from my library that my kids loved was a tabletop book of roller coaster pictures called, " Roller Coasters: A Thrill Seekers Guide to the Ultimate Scream Machines" ...
Two movies that I just happened to be able to get through my library, that were not on the recommendation list, which my kidlets loved were Roller Coasters and Popular Mechanics Rip-Roaring Roller Coasters which gave you the idea of being on a roller coaster while being comfortable on your couch.
Talking about videos leads me to another extra that is included: links to video clips. All the research done, so you dont have to. Your kids will love seeing different pictures of various roller coasters around the world, or riding in a bobsled coaster on YouTube.
Another important thing to me is the content. The age range of the Download N Go units are K-4th grade. I used this with a 2nd grader and a 5th grader, but I found the information was great for both of those ages, and the internet links found throughout the lessons made it easy for my son to help my daughter find information without any difficulty.
They just clicked on the link found in the unit. No worries that they would go somewhere inappropriate. And this was a great help with my DS and his independent study.
Science, history, and geography were also here with my kidlets learning about Europe and Asia, physics, discussing American Inventors and playing with a Slinky (which I picked-up as a go-along at Walmart). And dont worry, spelling and vocabulary are in there too.
DS and DD loved building their own versions of roller coasters with KNex (which can still be found in the living room floor being played with)
My kids loved the County Fair atmosphere in our schoolroom and that enhanced the learning fun about, not only roller coasters, but other incredible thrill rides. So needless to say, corn dogs, homemade
funnel cakes, lemonade, and popcorn were foods of choice throughout the week.
This was the first unit of our new school year and it was a really fun way to get things ROLLING...To see more reviews of this unit and others check out the Blog Tour at the Download N'Go Blog... You can find this and more DNG titles at "The Old Schoolhouse Store"...
Have a great week!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Co-op is starting...
Well, summer is officially over... Tomorrow is the start of our fall co-op semester... I'm looking forward to it and at the same time dread it...
I really like the idea of the kids seeing their friends weekly and taking classes taught by someone other than myself and I really enjoy the opportunity to be out and have adult conversation. But the commitment of every week and the thought of how much of our regular school we miss because of it makes it almost bittersweet.
I have been considering and praying about the spring semester and looking at taking it off and just enjoying that 4 day school week and having Fridays to take field trips or just to kick back and relax and play...
So, this year I am teaching:
American History (Know Your America) starting with Columbus and early explorers and ending wherever we can...
Assisting my friend Michelle with a class called Grammar Punk which should be really fun...
And assisting my friend Kathy with a vocabulary class...
I really like the idea of the kids seeing their friends weekly and taking classes taught by someone other than myself and I really enjoy the opportunity to be out and have adult conversation. But the commitment of every week and the thought of how much of our regular school we miss because of it makes it almost bittersweet.
I have been considering and praying about the spring semester and looking at taking it off and just enjoying that 4 day school week and having Fridays to take field trips or just to kick back and relax and play...
So, this year I am teaching:
American History (Know Your America) starting with Columbus and early explorers and ending wherever we can...
Assisting my friend Michelle with a class called Grammar Punk which should be really fun...
And assisting my friend Kathy with a vocabulary class...
Well for now the backpacks are ready,the clothes are laid out, and lunch is planned... Time to hit the hay, another semester of co-op starts tomorrow!!
All she wants for Christmas is...
her front tooth...
DD lost her 2nd tooth today... She pulled it herself and was she ever delighted...
Let's hope the tooth fairy doesn't fall asleep and forget...
DD lost her 2nd tooth today... She pulled it herself and was she ever delighted...
Let's hope the tooth fairy doesn't fall asleep and forget...
Wordless Wednesday...
Well, not quite wordless...
We had a "Back to School" bash at church tonight, complete with games, face painting, nail painting (for the lil' girls), and food...
It was so much fun and I came home with my own "Tommy the Tiger"...
We had a "Back to School" bash at church tonight, complete with games, face painting, nail painting (for the lil' girls), and food...
It was so much fun and I came home with my own "Tommy the Tiger"...
a chance to win a Summer Sensations unit from Download N'Go
SusieQTPie is offering the chance to win a copy Summer Sensations unit from Download N' GO...
I love these units. They are great, well-planned, no prep work to use and the kids have fun doing them...
What more could you ask for?
You can enter to win here ......
Good Luck!!
I love these units. They are great, well-planned, no prep work to use and the kids have fun doing them...
What more could you ask for?
You can enter to win here ......
Good Luck!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
This week's FREEBIE from Currclick is:
ARABIC PICTURE BLOCKS are do it your-self letter cubes that teach Arabic letters. They are colorful and bright... Just print out on card stock, cut out, and put together.. A neat addition to a Arabic Country study and they are FREE!!
ARABIC PICTURE BLOCKS are do it your-self letter cubes that teach Arabic letters. They are colorful and bright... Just print out on card stock, cut out, and put together.. A neat addition to a Arabic Country study and they are FREE!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Multitude of Blessings...
11. My health
12. the health of my children
13. a warm bed to sleep in tonight
14. a cool house in this horrible summer heat
15. food to fill my children's bellies
16. happiness a family brings
17. a wonderful church family
18. a job (one that I love) with good hours
19. to have been born American
20. to be a Child of God
Menu Time Monday...

Monday: Hamburger Casserole in the slow cooker, garlic biscuits
Tuesday: Ham and Turkey sandwiches, chips
Wednesday: Eat at church (Back to School bash)
Thursday: $5 pizza from Papa John's
Friday: Leaving to go out of town (Dinner on the road)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Homeschooler's Journal
Since it's that time of year when all homeschool families start getting ready to keep up with all the info we have to record, I thought I would share one of the best finds I have ever had!!
Every year, I try something new when it comes to a planner. In the past, I have bought planners (that were never what I needed). I have printed out forms and calendars an made my own with a 3 ring binder (too time consuming) and then I tried to wing it one year with just a notebook...
Halfway through last year, I came upon this, "THE HOMESCHOOLER'S JOURNAL" ... It is wonderful... I ordered one to try through the spring and summer... It has everything I need in one small thin package...and is less than $10... (which is a bargain if anyone has priced planners lately)...
The journal contains a daily (Sunday through Saturday) subject log for over 200 days, a field trip logs, check-off list for yearly requirements, a calendars through the 2012 school year, semester objectives/resources pages, and it's covered with a spill proof plastic cover and spiral bound...
I use mine not as a planner but I actually record what we do each day... I find that this helps keep me more on track, since I can look back and see what we actually did, not what we were going to do or had planned on doing...
Plus, it has circles to fill in for the day~ so if you have school on Thursday but skip Friday and want to do some on school, it doesn't matter... Just fill in the circle with the "S" for Saturday...
There is a section with each week for notes, so you can make a note if you need to review something the next day or if you did a project with your unit study...
In the back is a section for "Educational Supplements" ... I found this the best part of the journal... I can list all the movies, books, etc. that we use with each unit study... I love that, since it makes it easier for me to keep up with...
There is also a test score keeper sheet... and a check off list of MD appts. like when each student needs their physicals, eye exams, dental check-ups etc...
and for those of us who have to test yearly through our state or umbrella program, here is even a place for that to be kept up with...
I love using this ~ no wasted space and a perfect record keeper!!!
Have a great day!!
Every year, I try something new when it comes to a planner. In the past, I have bought planners (that were never what I needed). I have printed out forms and calendars an made my own with a 3 ring binder (too time consuming) and then I tried to wing it one year with just a notebook...
Halfway through last year, I came upon this, "THE HOMESCHOOLER'S JOURNAL" ... It is wonderful... I ordered one to try through the spring and summer... It has everything I need in one small thin package...and is less than $10... (which is a bargain if anyone has priced planners lately)...
The journal contains a daily (Sunday through Saturday) subject log for over 200 days, a field trip logs, check-off list for yearly requirements, a calendars through the 2012 school year, semester objectives/resources pages, and it's covered with a spill proof plastic cover and spiral bound...
I use mine not as a planner but I actually record what we do each day... I find that this helps keep me more on track, since I can look back and see what we actually did, not what we were going to do or had planned on doing...
Plus, it has circles to fill in for the day~ so if you have school on Thursday but skip Friday and want to do some on school, it doesn't matter... Just fill in the circle with the "S" for Saturday...
There is a section with each week for notes, so you can make a note if you need to review something the next day or if you did a project with your unit study...
In the back is a section for "Educational Supplements" ... I found this the best part of the journal... I can list all the movies, books, etc. that we use with each unit study... I love that, since it makes it easier for me to keep up with...
There is also a test score keeper sheet... and a check off list of MD appts. like when each student needs their physicals, eye exams, dental check-ups etc...
and for those of us who have to test yearly through our state or umbrella program, here is even a place for that to be kept up with...
I love using this ~ no wasted space and a perfect record keeper!!!
Have a great day!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Fall Sports are approaching...
Fall is fast approaching and none to soon after over 50 days of 90+degree weather ( a dramatic increase from the ~11 days last year)...
This year DS has decided to play flag-football again which means DD is going to be a cheerleader again... We are are thrilled to have a Upward Sports program so close to us... I love the fact that the kids can play sports, have a Christian direction in the activity, and still not have to practice but 1 night a week...
DS had really wanted to play baseball for the Ambassadors, which is a homeschool sports team in the East Tn area... The baseball program is a new program just getting started and is going to be coached by a former Yankees pitcher... But the commute is a good 50 minutes one way and they practice /play games 3 nights a week.. With the other activities the kidlets are in, there was no way to make it happen, and I hated for DS to give up JiuJitsu (DD would also have had to give it up) since they have been taken it so long...
So, Upward came to our rescue yet again...
I look forward to the kidlets getting to play... it is so much fun seeing them having a good time!!
This year DS has decided to play flag-football again which means DD is going to be a cheerleader again... We are are thrilled to have a Upward Sports program so close to us... I love the fact that the kids can play sports, have a Christian direction in the activity, and still not have to practice but 1 night a week...
DS had really wanted to play baseball for the Ambassadors, which is a homeschool sports team in the East Tn area... The baseball program is a new program just getting started and is going to be coached by a former Yankees pitcher... But the commute is a good 50 minutes one way and they practice /play games 3 nights a week.. With the other activities the kidlets are in, there was no way to make it happen, and I hated for DS to give up JiuJitsu (DD would also have had to give it up) since they have been taken it so long...
So, Upward came to our rescue yet again...
I look forward to the kidlets getting to play... it is so much fun seeing them having a good time!!
Well, we are almost done with our first week of school and I must say that it is going well.. The kids are waking up by themselves without much prodding... I seem to be the one that is having trouble with the morning rise n' shine... But I am going to work on it...
We've only been doing the 3R's and Bible this week, but tomorrow we're going to start a new Download N' Go unit that the kids are really excited about, which is why we are getting started on Friday instead of waiting til' Monday... *LOL* Which is wonderful to have them so eager to get going..
Which brings me to the question? Have you checked out the Download N' Go series yet? It is wonderful... The excitement of a unit study without all the work and prep that goes with it.. You can check them out here... There are some wonderful titles to choose from..
But I am honestly very pleased with our week so far... My 10yo DS even told me he is liking English this year, which is a complete turn around from last year... I'm glad the Rod& Staff has grown on him...
Well, off to print out some mini-books to use with our new unit tomorrow...
Have a great night!!
We've only been doing the 3R's and Bible this week, but tomorrow we're going to start a new Download N' Go unit that the kids are really excited about, which is why we are getting started on Friday instead of waiting til' Monday... *LOL* Which is wonderful to have them so eager to get going..
Which brings me to the question? Have you checked out the Download N' Go series yet? It is wonderful... The excitement of a unit study without all the work and prep that goes with it.. You can check them out here... There are some wonderful titles to choose from..
But I am honestly very pleased with our week so far... My 10yo DS even told me he is liking English this year, which is a complete turn around from last year... I'm glad the Rod& Staff has grown on him...
Well, off to print out some mini-books to use with our new unit tomorrow...
Have a great night!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Yes, I'm in pain... I spent 2.5 hrs. in the chair of a dentist, who was very nice, but also caused me to suffer immense pain after the numbness wore off... Sometimes I think DNA isn't fair... I have had multiple cavities, root canals, and crowns forever, yet my dear lil' sister (who at 35) has never had a single cavity... I know I am more than thankful for who God has led me to become, I just wish he had given me good teeth to go along with it... *LOL*
Anyways, I just thought I would check in and say that "NO, we didn't get anything done today in school, but I have a doctor's excuse" ...
Please enjoy the humor in this post... It is making me laugh and hurt at the same time...
Have a great night!!
Anyways, I just thought I would check in and say that "NO, we didn't get anything done today in school, but I have a doctor's excuse" ...
Please enjoy the humor in this post... It is making me laugh and hurt at the same time...
Have a great night!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Menu for this week...

And this week, and probably next week too, we are eating out of our freezer and pantry as much as possible to clear out... (yes, I have bought in bulk, and couponed this summer til' we have no more storage space)...
So here goes our menu for this week...
Monday: French Toast, pork sausage (from a local farmer), and fruit (frozen peaches, strawberries, and pineapple)
Tuesday: Marinated steak with peppers and onions, green beans (frozen from last summer), brown rice, and rolls
Wednesday: Cuban Sandwiches, and oven fries
Thursday: Mexican casserole , with French Vanilla ice cream and fried flour tortillas (sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar) for dessert
Friday: Homemade Pizza, salad, grapes and apple slices
Saturday and Sunday: They are on their own... I have to work this weekend... *LOL*
Have a great week!!!
UPDATE: Added squash casserole (needed to use up some yellow squash and zuchinni) to Wednesdays meal...
Monday, Monday, So good to me. Monday, Monday It was all I hoped it would be
Monday!! A great start to a new week, a great start to our new 2010-2011 school year... It started out sluggish, (mainly because I was slow to get out of bed this morning) but ended with the 3 of us having a blast in th pool...
What a great way to start with "One Thousand Gifts"... So here goes my list for today:
1. the blessing of being home with my kids
2. being able to watch them learn and grow
3. a wonderful husband who supports my efforts
4. my wonderful kids who without, life would seem empty
5. my arms, to wrap around them
6. my ears, to hear their giggles
7. playing with them
8. watching DD make a mess of the eggs while helping me make French Toast for dinner
9. the opportunity to kiss them "Good Night"
10. my father above who makes everything possible
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What we are doing this year...
Here is a brief run-down of what specific curriculum we are using this year...
DS 10yo (5th grade)
Rod & Staff 4 "Building with Diligence" ~ Last year, was the first year we had used R&S for English and I loved it... It is very thorough and DS learned so much from it...
Daily Grams 5 ~ we love using these, as they take less than 10 minutes a day, my son can do them independently, and still practice activities and exercises that help with his English grammar.
Teaching Textbooks 5 ~ this year I went with TT {we previously had used Abeka and Horizons, and a failed use of Saxon (DS hated Saxon) }... After using ALEKS some of the second half of last year, we decided that an online program was the way to go and TT provided the computer aspect with the built -in tutor, but without the cost of the online ALEKS program...
DD 7yo (2nd Grade)
Rod & Staff English "Preparing to Build" ~ This was a natural choice since we had great success with R&S for my son last year... DD had completed First Language Lessons and was wanting to use a book like her brother...
Easy Grammar 2 ~ These are perfect exercises that take less than 10 minutes to complete and compliment her R&S... Next year we will move into Daily Grams for her with 3rd grade. But these are perfect for this year...
Abeka Math 2 ~ This choice was an easy one, since we used Abeka K and Abeka 1 for her, it was natural to move into Abeka 2... She loves the colors of the workbook and I love the ease of a scripted lesson... and the extra drill and worksheet make it a very thorough math program...
Combined Study:
Apologia "Exploring Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day" ~ We chose Apologia, because we love it... It is something I can do with both kidlets, take little prep time, contains tons of useful information, and they really ENJOY it!! We use Apologia "Exploring Creation with Astronomy" and had a great time learning about what's "OUT" there...
For History~ I tend to do our own thing here... We use "Story of the World" and "Mystery of History" for a spine, but we use "LIVING BOOKS" as the core of our curriculum with lots of unit studies and what I like to call "Lap-a-note" a cross using notebooking with lapbook elements included...
There are several sources I use for unit studies... I love Amanda Bennett unit studies, Download N' Go, andHands of a Child...
And of course I love the ones that are FREE:
The Homeschool Mom
Guest Hollow
Dynamic 2 Moms
DS 10yo (5th grade)
Rod & Staff 4 "Building with Diligence" ~ Last year, was the first year we had used R&S for English and I loved it... It is very thorough and DS learned so much from it...
Daily Grams 5 ~ we love using these, as they take less than 10 minutes a day, my son can do them independently, and still practice activities and exercises that help with his English grammar.
Teaching Textbooks 5 ~ this year I went with TT {we previously had used Abeka and Horizons, and a failed use of Saxon (DS hated Saxon) }... After using ALEKS some of the second half of last year, we decided that an online program was the way to go and TT provided the computer aspect with the built -in tutor, but without the cost of the online ALEKS program...
DD 7yo (2nd Grade)
Rod & Staff English "Preparing to Build" ~ This was a natural choice since we had great success with R&S for my son last year... DD had completed First Language Lessons and was wanting to use a book like her brother...
Easy Grammar 2 ~ These are perfect exercises that take less than 10 minutes to complete and compliment her R&S... Next year we will move into Daily Grams for her with 3rd grade. But these are perfect for this year...
Abeka Math 2 ~ This choice was an easy one, since we used Abeka K and Abeka 1 for her, it was natural to move into Abeka 2... She loves the colors of the workbook and I love the ease of a scripted lesson... and the extra drill and worksheet make it a very thorough math program...
Combined Study:
Apologia "Exploring Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day" ~ We chose Apologia, because we love it... It is something I can do with both kidlets, take little prep time, contains tons of useful information, and they really ENJOY it!! We use Apologia "Exploring Creation with Astronomy" and had a great time learning about what's "OUT" there...
For History~ I tend to do our own thing here... We use "Story of the World" and "Mystery of History" for a spine, but we use "LIVING BOOKS" as the core of our curriculum with lots of unit studies and what I like to call "Lap-a-note" a cross using notebooking with lapbook elements included...
There are several sources I use for unit studies... I love Amanda Bennett unit studies, Download N' Go, andHands of a Child...
And of course I love the ones that are FREE:
The Homeschool Mom
Guest Hollow
Dynamic 2 Moms
Say "NO" to the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child...
For those of you concerned regarding your rights as a parent:

The right of parents to raise and educate their children has been recognized for centuries. But there is a different view emerging not only in other countries but in our nation. Today, parental rights are coming under attack and assault from judges who deny or refuse to recognize parental rights. And to add further danger and damage to the family, there is an international law which seeks to undermine the parental role is advancing on the horizon. Together, these threats are combining to create a devastating future of the child-parent relationship. Key Senators are pomoting ratifying this international treaty which would take control and authority away from the parents to decide matters that pertain to the lives of their children and give that power to decide what is best for American children to an 18 member international panel...Thus deciding America's FUTURE!!!
If interested in this and in the Senators sponsoring this legislation and the strong Senators who are opposing it by supporting SR 519 you can find that information HERE ....
The right of parents to raise and educate their children has been recognized for centuries. But there is a different view emerging not only in other countries but in our nation. Today, parental rights are coming under attack and assault from judges who deny or refuse to recognize parental rights. And to add further danger and damage to the family, there is an international law which seeks to undermine the parental role is advancing on the horizon. Together, these threats are combining to create a devastating future of the child-parent relationship. Key Senators are pomoting ratifying this international treaty which would take control and authority away from the parents to decide matters that pertain to the lives of their children and give that power to decide what is best for American children to an 18 member international panel...Thus deciding America's FUTURE!!!
If interested in this and in the Senators sponsoring this legislation and the strong Senators who are opposing it by supporting SR 519 you can find that information HERE ....
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