I just happened to look at the schedule back in December and saw that in March, the class would be studying DNA and thought this was a great opportunity for the kidlets...
So today, we attended the first DNA class...
In the past, the classes were divided based on age. This year, they are doing it on grade level... I decided to put both kidlets in Gr. 3-5... I was afraid this was a stretch for my 1st grader, but I really didn't relish the idea of spending 4hrs. waiting around at the zoo, which is what I would have had to do, if I had separated the 2 in different classes...
Well, the class was very interesting and not so advanced that my 7yo. DD couldn't understand it... The kidlets learned about genes, genomes, cells, nucleus, DNA, variations and mutations...(which we will be reviewing the definitions again later this week so we are able to take advantage of next weeks class...
We got to go out into the zoo and look at animals with variations in their DNA... (specifically a gibbon, zebras, chimpanzees, and a white tiger)
The chimp got extremely excited seeing our large group and actually threw a stick at us at one time... Chad (the instructor) said to be glad he didn't throw something else... *LOL*
One of the chimps had a baby that was around 2 and was the star, swinging around on a rope and was so cute...
The kids learned a lot I found, as I quizzed them on the way home... (just checking
So looking forward to DNA 2 next week!!
Happy Learning