It seems to me that since most of middle America is opposed to the bailout, then the veto could be a good thing, our "representatives" are listening to the constituents...Now I recognize that something needs to be done, I am just not sure that $700 billion dollars is going to fix what is fundamentally wrong with th system... I think we have to get to the root of the problem, but to hear the news media (or the drive-by's as they are called by some) continued predictions of doom and destruction...I mean the country's financial crisis was not created by market conditions or poor management but by the evil nature of GREED. Well, I admit there has been a slow-down and the market dropped dramatically yesterday, but we are still here today... The sky hasn't fallen yet... Some countries are even having a boost in their market economy, which they said wouldn't happen if the bill was not approved... I also think a criminal investigation and prosecution of those who defrauded other lenders or borrowers is something to think of also... And what about just starting at the top...The congressional leaders, I mean are they really doing their job or swaying here and there to the power and money spoken by the lobbyists?
And I mean, is the media really concerned about how this will affect me or are they more concerned about Warren Buffet... Who will lose more? Those invested heavily in this real estate fiasco or the average Joe who is already living day to day?
And what about these countries that we have "bailed" out? Are they ever going to repay us? I mean we have loaned billions upon billions... and what about all the money we give every year... If that money was kept at home just for a brief period... There would be no crisis..
And has anyone thought about the UN...Why is it only the responcibility of the US to pay for it... Is it not the "UNITED NATIONS" ? Would that not lead you to think that it should be a fiscal responcibility of all nations involved?
Enough of my ramblings... On to my original thought...
So, I have been looking at several different plans that are different from the one currently proposed by the Feds.. I am a Dave Ramsey kinda girl... I try to live within my means and spend wisely... with the occasional "I just gotta have it" purchase....
Here are a few of his ideas...
Pray for the decisions of our lawmakers and that they use the "sense God gave them" when making the decisions that affect all of us...