Order free butterfly eggs, just click and pay shipping...
Order free butterfly eggs, just click and pay shipping...
Yes, it's a Tightwad Tuesday... and today I have a website for you to check out...
It is an excellent resource for a free, factual, American History curriculum...I received my CD a couple of weeks ago and just got around to looking at it this weekend... I really like it... It is for middle / high school level, so it will be a while before I get to use it... *S*
This is what is said about the American Heritage Foundation from their website...
"AHEF is a non-profit, non-partisan educational foundation dedicated to the understanding and teaching of America's factual and philosophical heritage to promote constructive citizenship and Freedom, Unity, Progress, and Responsibility among our students and citizens.
AHEF accomplishes this patriotic mission by writing, producing, and distributing FREE K-12 lesson plans to teachers, students, and families in all 50 states and through additional initiatives, programs, and partnerships."
Now on to what we managed to do today... I did well with drinking more water... I took my vitamin, but I had a burger at Wendy's today, YUMMY but definitely not calorie free..*L* And have you heard about the salmonella outbreak in the tomatoes? Well, there was big sign up at Wendy's about no tomatoes being served... I think this will really help some of the area farmers here as they are smaller scale farmers and this will be a boost to the tomato crops in this area.. Last year things were sluggish due to drought... ( I live in the "tomato" capital of Tennessee, we even have a "Tomato Festival" every year..)
DD had ballet again today... then we went to a friend's house and went swimming... what a wonderful way to spend a hot day... *G*
We did manage to get in some school... We played Monopoly Jr. and then read some stuff on "FIREFLIES" to prepare for our campling trip tomorrow... you can check out some of the info we found here.
Well, I am off to finish packing for our trip... Have a great week...
Woke up this morning to my DS complaining of an area behind his knee...I had looked at it last night and it sorta reminded me of an infected hair follicle or a small boil... This morning, it was really inflamed, red and hot to the touch... I took him to the local doctor where I was told he thinks DS was bitten by something Saturday and that it has become really infected.. So now he is on antibiotics and I am cleaning it twice a day with Hibiclens solution...
Then we were off to a ballet workshop for DD... She had so much fun... I sort of hate that she will miss the last 2 days of it this week due to our camping trip, but I think we will have just as much fun playing in the creek, watching the fireflies, and making smores...YUMMY!!!
I also started my new routine today... I am trying to make an effort to be more healthy... My goal is just to exercise in some way every day and be more conscious of the food I am eating and to DRINK MORE WATER!!!
So far, I did pretty well... I did drink a couple of glasses of lemonade, but it is water based...*L* but i also played in the pool for several hours today doing some water exercises... So, I think I am off to an ok start...
Have a great day...
This week I am challenging myself... I am taking my kidlets camping by myself... We are going to Elkmont in the Smoky Mtns. to see the "Synchronized Fireflies" . which is considered to be a "modern day phenoman" as they were once only thought to be found in Southeast Asia... I tried to get a spot for the weekend, but it is booked a year in advance for this time of year due to the immense number of people from all over the world that come to see the fireflies...
So, I decided to be brave and take my kids myself... We leave Wednesday and are going to stay until Friday evening... I will update everyone on how it goes...Just pray that I don't forget any necessities and that I can actually get tent set up...*L*
You can check out more on the fireflies here.
This week is not as busy as the past several... So, I have time to share our "brief" (and I do mean brief)menu this week...
Monday: Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Corn-on-the-Cob, Biscuits, Iced Tea
Tuesday: Grilled chicken breast, roasted potatoes / onions on the grill, tropical fruit salad, Iced tea
Wednesday: I am taking the kidlets camping by myself, so we will be eating off the grill of course, HOT DOGS and SMORES!!!!
Thursday: Still camping: HOBOES on the GRILL
Friday: finally at home, HOMEMADE PIZZA with the kidlets...
Tonight was our commencement for VBS... It was great... The kids really had a good time this week at VBS and we had 2 of the older kids come to know the Lord...HALLELUJAH!!!
So all the classes did a little performance or rectied things they had learned this week... Our class, the 4-5 yr. olds sang a song and did a little dance to go with it....
After the commencement, we all gathered in the fellowship hall for desserts.... The kids had a wonderful time and are so prooud of the things they learned and made this week... and the sugary snacks also ranked high up on the list...*L*
And I guess one of the things that I loved most was the motto, which I am going to use this summer for some of our Bible studies... And one of the older boys who attends church with us, proved this motto this week to me... I had bagged up some of DH's clothes that he could no longer wear (yes, he has gained some weight, *G*) and I had given them to this young man since they were still in good shape...My DH had left $41 dollars in one of the pockets, (which lasted through the washer and dryer)...This young man brought me the money and siad he had found it in the pocket, we never even knew it was there... His honesty stuck with me and really helped reinforce this weeks motto for me...
Have a GREAT WEEK!!!
This afternoon we went to see Kung Fu Panda with DC's karate class... It was a great movie... It taught an excellent lesson in that we have to believe in ourselves and that's what makes each of us special... I definately would recommend it as a "family must-see"...You can check out more about the movie here ...
Finally some time to get caught up on our blog and what we have been up to....
It seems that lately we have been running so much, that I feel like a hamster caught in a wheel...*L*
Our weeks have been filled with karate 2x a week, Soccer practice on Thursday evenings, 2 baseball games a week plus a T-ball game a week and then the soccer games for both kidlets on Saturday morning...I mean WHEW!!!
and then this week was VBS at our church...
Beginning last Saturday (the kick-off cookout for all the kids) , our pastor (who is also a police chaplain)arranged for the area "Rescue and Search" dog teams to come out for the kids...There were 3 dogs with their handlers and they did several little run throughs for us and they had "trading cards" with the dogs pictures on them for the kids... They took my DD headband and let the dog sniff it and then pick her out of a line of all the kids..It was so cool...The dog (a hound, just like Jed Clampetts) came right up to her and tapped her on the chest... She wasn't too sure about that though...*L*
For our week of VBS, DH and I taught the 4-5 yr.old class... It was lots of fun... They are such little sponges, totally absorb everything that they come into contact with... they knew the motto before Wednesday... this years theme was "Outrigger Island" and was really cool....
And last but not least, we got our pool up again for the summer...YEAH!! I think we have decided to wait on getting a better one til' next year... With the economy and gas, you never know what the future is going to hold for family finances...But the pool we got last year is 12' x 3' so I think it will do just fine... and the kids certainly love it...It has been record temperatures for this time of year here and when it's 90 degrees and above, all I want to do is swim...*L*
So, that's where I have been and hope everyone has been enjoying the summer!!!