I'm not sure if the FlyLady should send in reserves or I should just take a bubble bath...*L*
I don't know about others, but when my house is disorganized, I am out of sync..
I am having one of those weeks this week... I can't seem to get things together and actually get some housework accomplished..
My poor DH says, "Don't worry about it"... but he thinks that the house will be here even if you can't walk on the floor for the dirty clothes...*L*
But I just have trouble getting my school life in order when I feel the need to be doing housework also... It is very troubling for me to be in disarray like this.. I just didn't stay on top of it this time...
And to make things worse, do you ever read blogs that you wonder "What am I doing wrong?'... Where they seem to have everything under control all the time?? I love to read these, but sometimes, I think they make it harder for me to try and get things done, because I think well, so and so, does ok with this, why can't I get it all accomplished?
Well, if you have any thoughts on this, drop me a line... or if you have any tidbits of wisdom in the house cleaning / organization area, let me know... I feel like I am drowning in clutter today...*L*
Calling all SuperMOMs for help...