"Never let formal education get in the way of your learning. " Mark Twain

"For I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content" Phillipians 4:11

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What's cookin' at our house this week...

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This week we are studying France and I am trying to incorporate some "French" food into our menu... I got this great Emeril cookbook from Amazon, called "There's a Chef in my World"...I love it!!!

Emeril's There's a Chef in My World!: Recipes That Take You Places

Monday: Bacon CheeseBurgers, Homemade Potato Chips,

Tuesday: Chili

Wednesday: Omelettes, Hot Chocolate (both from FIAR cookbook), and a Fruit Galette (from Emeril)

Thursday: Eat at Church

Friday: Crepes (from FIAR cookbook), Fruit, Orange Juleps

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Seeds of Plenty...

Lately the kidlets have taken an interest in "growing" things... Our new past-time is trying to root things and watch them grow...

Here is a great experiment that we are doing... 


Sprouting grapefruit seeds

1. Take the grapefruit seeds and place them against a wet paper towel in a ziplock bag (leave a section of the zipper open so air can get in)

2. Place the bag near a window

3. Make sure the paper towel stays wet (so the seed will get water).

4. Watch the seed coat break off the seed and then watch the seed begin to sprout - examine the different parts of the sprout (roots down, leaf up)

*This can also be done with corn (popcorn).

5. Record what happened


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Calgon take me away...

I'm not sure if the FlyLady should send in reserves or I should just take a bubble bath...*L*

I don't know about others, but when my house is disorganized, I am out of sync..

I am having one of those weeks this week... I can't seem to get things together and actually get some housework accomplished..

My poor DH says, "Don't worry about it"... but he thinks that the house will be here even if you can't walk on the floor for the dirty clothes...*L*

But I just have trouble getting my school life in order when I feel the need to be doing housework also... It is very troubling for me to be in disarray like this.. I just didn't stay on top of it this time...

And to make things worse, do you ever read blogs that you wonder "What am I doing wrong?'... Where they seem to have everything under control all the time??  I love to read these, but sometimes, I think they make it harder for me to try and get things done, because I think well, so and so, does ok with this, why can't I get it all accomplished?

Well, if you have any thoughts on this, drop me a line... or if you have any tidbits of wisdom in the house cleaning / organization area, let me know... I feel like I am drowning in clutter today...*L*

Calling all SuperMOMs for help...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Wordless Wednesday...

shelf cloud and lightning

Late Night Date with Amazon...

Ok... Being up late at night is not good for my pocket...

I was talking with a friend at co-op the other day about some old TV shows that we watched while growing up in the 70's...The rain has kept me up and since I couldn't sleep, I went to Amazon to see what I could dig up...

Well, here goes my purchases for the night...(UGH!!) The only good thing about this is I get to share these "lost TV treasures" with my kidlets...

Land of the Lost - The Complete First Season

Land of the Lost...(remember this great show where the family falls over the falls into prehistoric land with Chaka and the Slestaks... )

Space 1999, Set 1

Space 1999 ( a British production about the moon breaking away from the Earth's orbit and making unintentional explorers into heroes...I loved this one.. even had the lunch box)

Wonder Woman - The Complete First Season

and Wonder Woman (the first season, "by the power of Isis")..

I also put on my list for future purchase:

  • Isis,

  • The Bionic Woman,

  • Six Million Dollar Man,

  • The Love Boat, and Fantasy Island, Charlie's Angels (the early episodes of these three),

  • and the Amazing Spider Man...*L*

now, join me for a chorus of:

Marshal, Will and Holly
on a routine expedition,
met the greatest earthquake
ever known...

High on a rapid,
it struck their tiny raft (Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!)
and plunged them down a thousand feet below...

To the Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand of the Lost Lost Lost...

Sleepless night...

Rain, Rain, go away!!! The high winds and what seems like a continuous downpour have made it somewhat difficult for me to sleep tonight...So, I think I will surf some more and wait for the calm to come back..

Free Spelling Site...

Ok...Here is a wonderful site for spelling... It's called  Spelling City  and is completely FREE!!!

It has spelling lists, games that can be made using kidlet's current spelling list and all kinds of other things...

-  contains over 25,000 words, including plurals, contractions, future and past tenses
-  uses a REAL human voice that says both the word and the word in a sentence
-  a 'Teach Me' function that spells out the word using both visual and auditory input to improve retention
-  you can enter and save your own spelling lists for your own children
-  students can play games with their words or any saved lists
-  you can  save and share you spelling lists with others
-  the
forum allows you to share lists and ideas


Monday, March 3, 2008

What's cookin' at our house this week...


Ok... This is yet another busy week at our house... Sometimes it seems that I have trouble getting dinner on the table even when I have planned for it... *L*

We try to go out only once a week for meals and usually it is the night that we are the busiest or preferably on the weekend...*S*

So here's our menu for this week..

Monday: Texas Roadhouse...kidlets have soccer evaluations for Upward Soccer, so we are just gonna make a night of it...

Tuesday: Tex-Mex Pasta Skillet (from Menus 4 Moms),  Cheesy Garlic biscuits, salad

Wednesday: Pigs in a Blanket (beef dogs rolled in crescent dough and baked), BBQ Baked Beans, corn on the cob

Thursday: Chili (slow cooker meal while we are at co-op)

Friday: soup and sandwiches...(scrap night)