Harmony Art Mom is running a "comment contest" on her blog this month... You can check it out here...
She has wonderful ideas on art / music studies...The kidlets and I have used lots of her ideas...
So check it out and Happy Learning!!!
Harmony Art Mom is running a "comment contest" on her blog this month... You can check it out here...
She has wonderful ideas on art / music studies...The kidlets and I have used lots of her ideas...
So check it out and Happy Learning!!!
I saw this quiz on another blog and decided to take it to "find" out my personality... I was really hoping for "organized"...*LOL* (those of you who know me personally, know that organized is far from the truth)..*LOL*
and if you would like to take it yourself, you can here...
Happy Learning!!
Well, it is safe to say that home-made waffles have become the kids favorite breakfast.. Definitely worth the $15 investment for the waffle iron...
This morning I had a request for "chocolate chip" waffles (as DS described them, "like the Waffle House has")... now that could be tough to live up to...
Well, first of all, I had no chocolate chips, but 2 mini-Hershey bars left over from Halloween took care of that...
Here is the recipe I used... (it's actually my pancake recipe, just altered a little)
I beat the eggs then add the milk, butter and vanilla into them... then I add the dry ingredients and mix well... then I add then crushed Hershey bars... (using a hammer on the candy bars awas certainly a stress reliever)... *L*
then cook in waffle iron and serve warm with syrup... YUMMY!!!
and then EAT them!!!
This month we have been studing Astronomy in our homeschool class at the zoo...
All month we have been looking at the universe and its various parts... The kidlets have learned the names of the planets and their position and relationship to the sun...(even my 4yo DD can recite the planets in order from the sun)... They have learned all about the different types of stars and each ones relative life span and make-up... they know what is in the rings surrounding several planets and why certain planets appear certain colors... They talked about the different types of galaxies and what "lives" in each, black holes and why Pluto is no longer a planet... They even discussed the Space Shuttle...
and to end a great month in Astronomy, we are having a "Star Gazing" at the zoo on Thursday evening..
DS is in the Boy Scouts and at last nights meeting of the wolves, they did this experiment... They were learning about "chemical reactions"... it's a pretty good one and I thought I would share it with you...
Items Needed:
Fill the 2-liter bottle about 1/3 with vinegar. Place several tablespoons of baking soda into the balloon. Stretch the mouth of the balloon to cover the mouth of the bottle. Pull the balloon up so that all the baking sodainside falls into the bottle and watch the balloon get full of air... (you can even place a rubber band around the neck of the balloon / bottle to hold it in place)... Balloon will inflate from exhaust created from baking soda and vinegar...
DS couldn't wait to come home and do it again for me and DD...
Here are some pics of our Thanksgiving Lapbook... We also completed the Spice Maps and some worksheets but there was just too much stuff to put in to one little book... I think next time we will use several folders...*L* And we ran out of room to put a pocket for our Pilgrim paperdolls...So we fixed a folder for all the extra stuff... It was a great month and the kids really enjoyed it... They also decided they were glad they were not Pilgrims after we read about the lives of Pilgrim children...
Here are some of the crafts and things we have done for our study of Thanksgiving...
DD's Turkey made with feathers and a pine cone beak... DS's Wampanoag village complete with a wetu... and the kidlets playing with their Pilgrim paperdolls... and the "walnut" Mayflowers we made...(they actually floated)...
I am so excited... I can't contain it...
I am now the proud owner of a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer!!! A dear friend of mine had been able to get 2 of them during the Black Friday sale at Kohl's... So I now have one of mine own... I can't wait to start using it... The mixer I had been using was a stand mixer that had belonged to my grandmother who had used it for 50 years... it was still in good shape, but I really wanted to save it for sentimental reasons... So now, I have one of my very own...
i am so excited...I have been up this morning looking at new recipes to use it in...
During our Black Friday shopping, I got a waffle maker...
I decided to make the kidlets home-made waffles this morning for breakfast... It didn't do too bad...
I did make a slight mess when I put a little too much batter in it though and it came out the sides while cooking... *L*
But all in all, they were pretty tasty...
Homeschooling Momma of 4 has lots of great things going on at her blog.. So stop by and check it out...
155,000 Clicks Giveaway Celebration!
*This post will remain at the top until the end of the contest. In honor of her blog receiving over 155,000 page views,
Good Luck and Have a Great Weekend!!
I was just fooling around on the internet tonight and found this "How the Grinch Stols Christmas" unit...I think my kids and I will give it a try this month... and check out her blog here.. She has some great posts on lessons and plans and misc. units... (like the senses, teeth, food pyramid, and misc. holidays)...
Have a great evening!!
Today was Black Friday... and yes, my DH and I did our part to help our the economy...*L*
We did find some great buys for Christmas, (I got a $15 waffle maker, WOO-HOO)but more than anything it is an annual time for us to go and just have fun watching the madness of the holiday season... My MIL comes and stays with us for Thanksgiving, so we don't even have to wake the kids as she is there to watch them...
We get to go out, have morning coffee together, do a little shopping, a lot of people watching, and then grab breakfast (this morning we ate at Cracker Barrel, YUMMY!)...
And we enjoy it and look forward to it every year...
Did you find some good buys this year? Let me know what was on your list for today?
Something I wanted to share...
I recently had a Usborne Book party at my house and one of the book marks that my representative gave me had this written on it...
If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again
If I had my child to raise all over again,
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
I'd see the oak tree in the acorn more often.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd model less about the love of power,
And more about the power of love.
By: Diane Loomans
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!!
This week is Thanksgiving week, so we are taking it light... *L*
Turkey Day Menu : Smoked Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Beans. Stuffing, Yeast Rolls, Iced Tea, Pumpkin Roll and Apple Pie... YUMMY!!!
I have been reading about for some time the great savings to be had by shopping at CVS and using the "extra bucks" system...But I had never taken the time to actually try it myself..
So today, I sent by my husband (on his way in from work) with the list, the coupons and the CVS card..
Here is how we did....
I only bought items that we as a family would use...(and yes, I love my soda)...
So here goes the breakdown...
2 Hersheys Chocolates 2/$5 ($3 extra bucks)
2 Colgate toothpaste $1.99 each ($1 off 2 coupon)
2 Ocean Spray Cranberry sauce $!.29 ea. (B1G1F)
Palmolive Dishwashing liquid $1.49 ($1 extra bicks)
2 Dimetapp Cough $4.99 each ($1.50 coupon x 2 and $5 in extra bucks)
plus we had a $2 off a $10 purchase coupon from CVS
then we used the extra bucks we just made and bought 4 - 12pk of Cokes (4 / $12) and also had another $2 0ff $10 CVS coupon...
We bought in $35.03 items before taxes and paid $9.45 out of pocket... and have $3 extra bucks for our next purchases... Not too bad for our first attempt...
If you would like to check out more on this, check out CVS 101 : www.moneysavingmom.com/2007/09/cvs-101.html
After co-op classes were over today, the kids and I took a field trip with the "Animal Science" class from our co-op... We went to a fellow homeschoolers home to see "horses"... It was a wonderful trip even though the temoerature had dropped dramatically throughout the day and there were actually snow flurries falling around us ... The kids learned about Quarter Horses, the care/grooming, saddling, placement of the bit, and feeding... They also learned about different turns and ways to make the horse do.. we also learned how sensitive a horses mouth / teeth are (which I never knew) and where the power in a horse comes from and how dangerous they can be if improperly managed... The highlight of the evening for the kids was getting the opportunity to ride... It was a joy to see such happiness (mixed with a lil' fear)...
DS said it was "exciting" and DD called herself a "Cowgirl"... Could not have asked for a better way to spend a blustery late fall afternoon...
We have begun our unit on Thanksgiving this week... We are reading Goody O' Grumpity this week and doing the unit from HSS and I also have a unit we are doing along with it I got from Budget Homeschooling... The kids like to hear the letters from the Mayflower and the Tribe which we have been getting by e-mail from Scholastic... and we discussed where certain phrases used in modern culture actually came from, like "minding your P's and Q's"... Hopefully, we will be productive this weekend and actually make the spice cake recipe in the end of Goody O' Grumpity...
Yesterday we made little Mayflower boats from Walnut hulls and pretzel sticks and cardstock sails... They actually floated... and DH loved eating the walnuts...*S* (I will post pictures of these tomorrow)... I think we will begin on our Wampanoag long house next weekand we are going to be making some felt medallions like the pendants worn by the Wampanoags... I also have a craft idea from Family Fun for making little Pilgrim boy and girl napkin rings from the kidlets pictures... They will really like that...
Happy Learning!!!
We went to see the Nutcracker Ballet with some friends... DD had a wonderful time... She has been watching the Barbie Nutcracker for some time and absolutely loves taking ballet... After we came home she danced all evening and told her daddy all about getting to meet the Sugar Plum Fairy...
Here is a picture of her with her friends and the Sugar Plum Fairy...
This week we covered alot.. we learned the parts of sentences (naming and telling)... We worked on "Synonyms" again... DS worked on filling out forms... and DD did the letter "K" and writing "5 and 6"... We did lots of workbook pages... and then DD did some "cut & paste" things and worked on patterns... We finished our "Halloween" projects and finished "Bats and Spiders"... DS did some review on addition with carrying...
We are still reading Mr. Popper's Penguins as our evening reading and I have found a unit study on it for us to start... Basically it's just a simple activity, so it would be something to do with Daddy too..
Today we are supposed to go and see the "Nutcracker" per formed by the Oak Ridge Civic Ballet with friends... DD is sooo excited... she wants to wear her leotard and tights and I am having to convince her it is too cold...*L* (to be 4yo again..*S*) ...
Happy Learning!!
Had a great time touring the Mayfield Milk Factory last week... After the tour, the kids got to eat, of course, "DELICIOUS MAYFIELD ICE CREAM"!!! Then we were off to the Mason Dairy for a corn maze, hayride and a tour of how their dairy operates daily.. We then finished off the day with a tour of the Sweetwater Valley Cheese Factory and farm... (and yes, we had to buy some cheese to take home!!)
Today the kidlets and I went to a class at the library on "MUMMIFICATION" ...
And our "victim" was a Chicken who had the unfortunate name of KING CLUCK...*LOL*
It was really interesting... First you take a small "uncooked" chicken... and then you just follow the rest of these directions... (which we only completed steps 1-7 at this particular class, the rest will be completed at a later date)...
Materials Needed:
1. Wearing gloves, students will remove entrails from the chicken (Optional: These can be preserved in smaller baggies and put in baby food jars. Later, students can decorate the baby food jars with clay heads, turning them into canopic jars.)
2. At a sink, thoroughly rinse both inside and outside of chicken. Do this until the liquid runs clear.
3. Using paper towels (many will be needed), dry the chicken thoroughly inside and out, especially under the legs and wings. This is critical, since any moisture can create problems with the mummification process.
4. Rub the 1/2 cup of spices all over the chicken (inside and out). Any mixture of sweet-smelling (and cheap) spices will do. The purpose is to mask the odor of the decay which is about to take place.
5. Rub salt over the entire chicken, making sure that every inch is covered (and very dry).
6. Fill the cavity with salt.
7. Place the chicken in a Zip-loc bag. Seal the bag and place in a plastic tub (or bowl) in case the bag begins to leak. (As the process occurs, liquid will drain from the carcass).
8. Once a week for 4 or 5 weeks, open the bag and remove the chicken (be sure to wear gloves!). Weigh the chicken each time and record the weight. The chicken must be re-spiced, re-salted (inside the cavity and out), and replaced in a clean bag.
9. Repeat this process each week until no more liquid accumulates in the bag.
10. When the chicken is done, remove it from the bag. Then wrap it in gauze strips or ripped muslin strips. Decorate with handmade "authentic" Egyptian amulets, medallions, jewels, etc.
11. Create a sarcophagus for the mummy using shoe boxes. Spray box with gravel paint. Decorate with hieroglyphics and pictures of Egyptian gods.
12. Students can bury the sarcophagus (with mummy inside) and dig it up later in the year.
13. Students can keep a journal of the process.
Here is a picture of DD and her friends at a TinkerBell Birthday Party over the weekend... Aren't they beautiful???
Our Little Hands group topic today was Self - Portraits...
Miss Holly discussed the different artists, their self-portraits and the differnet mediums used...
Then each child got to make their own "self" using whatever medium they had chosen... DD decided to use watercolors and DD decided to make himself out of clay... (the end results were great, even though I secretly thought that DS sculpture looked like "Mr. Bill"... *LOL)